
Aris Grille CMRT

This mod is very first try at creating camouflage schemes from scracth. MickeyD uploaded templates, plain yellow bases for the Grille, so I gave them a go, eventually. It’s been…

Aris Wespe CMRT / CMBN

This mod was originally made for CMBN. I lost all my Photoshop templates for this vehicle, so I haven´t been able to refine my previous weathering, but, nonetheless , I…

t34577685s CMRT Soviet Uniform

This uniform mod only change the cloth ,doesn’t contain face,hemelt,and shoes. This mod doesn’t contain cavalry either,because the cavalry uniform only be used in one battle,and only can be used…

Aris All in 1 T-34 Mod CMRT

By the end of the war, the many variants of the T-34 had become the backbone of Soviet Army tank units, and went on to become the second most produced…