Sherman M4 75 (mid), by Egger

Changes: – New camo (different colour shade). – More detailled tools. – New insignias, according to the real tanks who fought in Sicily. Enjoy it Egger

Aris M4A1 Late CMFI & GL, by Aristoteles

———— Aris M4A1 Late ———– Photoreal weathering added and base textures improved in sharpness. This mod corrects a naming error that stock textures have, that is, “track” texture is actually…

Aris Sherman 75 Mid FI&GL

———— Aris Sherman M4 (75mm) Mid for FI and GL ———– Photoreal weathering added. Dry and muddy variants included both for Sicily and Mainland Italy.

Aris M4A1 Early_Mid FI&GL

———— Aris Sherman M4A1 Early&Mid for FI and GL ———– Photoreal weathering added. Dry and muddy variants included. UNZIP “Aris M4A1 Early_Mid FI&GL” folder AND DROP IT TO z. Aris

Aris American Shermans Pack CMBN V2

Modified, hugely improved weathering for ALL American Sherman tanks in Normandy (including Market Garden). My previous Sherman mods were made with lots of enthusiasm but not much technical skill at…